Effective 10 home remedies to eliminate facial stains

How many people meet us in the night?
Their behavior is as different, so our attitude towards them is different. But behind the creation of our bad attitude towards a person, there is often a smell on his face. Because that person became dirty or unclean to us. Because the smell of other people's mouth makes us very embarrassed. Although the person can suffer from bad odor for many reasons. Such as stomach disorder, throat disease, tonsil or nose problems, lung problems etc. Also, eating different foods also smells bad. But there is no need to worry about this. Because the material that can remove the smell of the face is all around us. So what is the ingredients that can be easily controlled by mouth odor, will be discussed in today's writing.

1. Coconut oil
The smell of coconut oil is smeared with the mouth and mouth. There is also a combination of coconut oil in order to prevent various infections in the mouth. Because coconut oil contains a lot of bactericidal, as well as ingredients that can cause inflammatory problems.

Need 1 tablespoon coconut oil.

Method- Take one tablespoon of coconut oil. For 10 minutes, keep stirring the coconut oil well inside the mouth. Keep in mind that coconut oil does not go away in the stomach. Now remove the coconut oil from the mouth. Take a little hot water and wash it thoroughly inside the mouth. Clear the face before brushing every day.

2. Eucalyptus oil
Eucalyptus oil has the ability to remove large amounts of bactericidal and inflammatory problems. Eucalyptus oil is not only the smell of the mouth, the swelling of the gourd, the pain of any pain, etc. also do great work.

Need - Two to three drops of eucalyptus oil and one cup of water.

Procedure - Two to three drops to be mixed with eucalyptus oil and one cup of water. Now this water should be washed thoroughly inside the mouth. Following this procedure every day will remove the stench of the mouth and get rid of other problems of mouth cavity.

3. Apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar gives great work to solve various problems of physiology. Whether it be weight loss or dental care. In addition, regular use of apple cider vinegar eliminates the smell of the mouth.

Needed - one teaspoon apple cider vinegar and one glass of water.

Method: One teaspoon apple cider vinegar, mixed with a glass of water, should wash the inside of the mouth thoroughly. Then only wash the face with water. It is beneficial to follow this method once every day.

4. T-tree oil
There is plenty of antioxidant stock in T-tree oil. As a result, it helps in removing the smell of the skin as it comes to skin care.

Need - one to two drops of tree oil and one glass of water.

Procedure- One to two drops of tree oil, one glass of water should be mixed well. After that, you have to wash the inside for five minutes. After three to four times a day following this procedure does not take long to remove the smell.

5. Clove
There is no substitute for cloves to remove the stomach of the mouth. In fact, many nutritious elements in it kill the hidden germs in the mouth.

Need - two cloves

Method- Two cloves will be in the mouth with a chin. You can also drink cloves mixed regularly. It also removes the smell of the face.

6. Fennel
Many of us eat fried fish after eating. The food is digested quickly, as well as decreased odor of the mouth.

Needed - one teaspoon of anise

Method- Take one tea spoon with the mouth of the mouth. Then slowly stay in the chewing gum. It can be eaten anytime of the spring day.

7. Sunflower seeds
To remove the smell of mouth, the sunflower seeds do great work.

One tea spoon sunflower seeds and one glass of water.

Method: One teaspoon of sunflower seeds will be in the chewing gum. Then take a glass of water.

8. Ginger
The number of times that can not be counted. One of the thousands of natural ingredients of this natural ingredient is useful to remove the smell of the face.

Needed - one glass of light hot water and one teaspoon egg juice.

Method- Remove the juice from ginger. Mix it with hot water. Wash your face with this water well. Follow this procedure after eating. Use ginger water once in two days after the stomach is gone.

9. Green T.
Have a habit of drinking tea in the morning? Then you can eat green tea. It smells like a bad smell of magic. Because green tea contains a large number of germicidal agents, which smell the germs inside the mouth.

Need - a cup of hot water A green tea bag and honey.

Method - A cup of hot water will be kept in a green bag. After few minutes, the green bag should be removed from the cup. Then a few drops of honey must be mixed. You can drink three cups of green tea a day.

10. Baking soda
Acid is the main ingredient in baking soda. Because of this, it is very easy to destroy the internal germs of the mouth. As a result, the smell of the mouth is removed.
Needed - baking soda, tooth paste paste and brush in one spoon.

Method: Put a paste in the brush and put one spoon baking soda in it. Then take the toothbrush. This method should be followed once a day.

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