To reduce cholesterol

Eid is high in cholesterol by eating fatty foods. Which is harmful to the body. In this case, the cholesterol regulatory diet will benefit.

Cholesterol is on the body's cell wall. Which enters the body through fatty foods. Later, the blood circulates from the liver to the body. It helps in the production of hormones in the body, the maturation of soluble vitamins in fat and Vitamin D. It's good cholesterol.
There is another type of cholesterol, which is harmful to the body, which prevents blood vessels from clinging to the artery walls. As a result, problems like high blood pressure, various types of heart disease, heart attack, etc.

So choose some beneficial foods to control cholesterol.

Green Tea
There are polyphenols in green tea or green tea. It gives great benefit to the human body. It helps reduce cholesterol in the body. Green tea helps keep our body refreshed and energized. It also reduces the risk of heart disease and cancer. Drinking green tea regularly does not allow the body to absorb too much sugar. As a result, this tea helps to control our body weight and blood cholesterol levels.

Olives contain mono-unsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E. It lowers bad cholesterol, raises good cholesterol. So you can eat olive oil or olive oil to control your body's cholesterol. Or you can keep a vegetable salad made in olive oil with a fatty meal recipe.

Garlic contains amino acids, vitamins, minerals, and organosulfur compounds. Garlic was effective in reducing bad cholesterol in the body. It has a positive role in reducing blood pressure. Garlic supplemented with anti-oxidants is shown to reduce cholesterol levels by about half a percent daily or by consuming one quart.

Amlaki is not only rich in vitamins and minerals, but also has excellent properties in eliminating various diseases. Vitamin 'C' in acidity increases immunity, preventing cough. Ayurveda also has the quality of amalgam juice. Cholesterol levels in the body are reduced by playing regular juice. The heart rate is good because of the amino acids and antioxidants.

Coriander reduces harmful cholesterol in the body and increases beneficial cholesterol. It improves the circulatory system of the body. The heart is healthy and strong. Cholesterol levels in the body will be easily controlled if you use coriander powder regularly in cooking.

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