Some useful tips for weight loss
1. Drink one glass of water about twenty-five minutes before eating.
When you finish eating, do not drink too much water immediately, eat less.
After thirty minutes, drink more water.
2. Mobile pressing off during a meal
3. Chew more than you can eat, it will take a while
4. Need a good sleep,
5. Eat food on small plates. Rice will take less than before, eat more vegetable curry.
6. Eat bone national meat, breast meat national
7. Reduce the amount of food you eat, so you can eat apple orange guava. You can eat sajina leaf curry, there are many benefits to eating a little.
8. Wake up fresh and eat freshwater
9. Seasonal - If you have an appetite in the middle of the afternoon, eat some nuts and fruits.
10. After drinking the beakel, drink water. Then sit down to eat the green tea. Eating more green tea will be a problem, so one cup is enough
11. Exterior foods close, eat less sweets. Two or three pies a week.
12. Except for banana pangas fish. Eat small fish if possible
13. If you take a friend while walking, do not fill the bore.
14. I want to be a daily mealtime one.
They obeyed for a week. If so much progress is not made, the advance method will apply.
You can eat sajina leaves, it will be good. Do not suffer from malnutrition.
Keep one or two bucks worth of luggage. If you have a headache, eat it because it can suddenly turn into a headache when food is reduced.
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