Everyone should know some important things about the Aedes mosquito

# Lemon:
Cut the lemon in the middle. Then add lots of cloves to the inside of the sliced ​​lemon. Place the lemon slices on a plate and place them in the corner of the room. Now watch the magic, there are no mosquitoes in the house for a while.

# Garlic Koa:
Some garlic Koya should be boiled in water. It is possible to get rid of mosquitoes if the water is sprayed all over the house.

# Rainwater:
Rainwater accumulates mosquitoes. If water is frozen anywhere in the house, clean it at your own expense.

# Perfume:
Use Perfume Mosquitoes Avoid Perfume. So, before going to bed at night, you can rub perfume, perfume, or garlic on your body

# Continue the fan:
The mosquitoes are very light. The speed of a fan, on the other hand, is about two miles an hour. The fan rotates more easily than the speed of flying mosquitoes, so it is easily drawn to the mosquito blades. Turn on your table fan or pedal fan when mosquitoes arrive at your place of residence or on the deck or in areas where mosquitoes can easily enter your home. As you get rid of mosquitoes, you will find comfort in the heat.

# Neem oil and mint use:
Neem mosquitoes possess a special quality. Neem oil is also good for the skin. So you can use neem oil to get two benefits together. Mix equal amount of neem oil and coconut oil and apply to the skin. You will find mosquitoes will not crow near your side, as well as alleviate skin allergies, infections, and other problems. And take a little glass of water in a small glass and put 5 to 5 gallies of mint on the table. Change the water at 3 days intervals. You will see that all the mosquitoes in the house have fled.

# Nishinda and Nimpatra powder with smoke:
If used daily with Nishida and Nimpat powder, mosquitoes get rid of it.

# Yellow electric light:
If you want to reduce mosquito repellent in the room, add electric cell light to the cellophane yellow. The result will be a yellow light. You see the mosquito is down because the mosquito wants to stay away from the yellow light.

# Tea Leaves & Nimpatas Burn:
Dry the used tea leaves and dry them in the sun. That way, use that tea leaf instead of smoke. All the mosquitoes fly in the house will escape in the smoke of dry tea leaves. Besides, the smoke that burns down the Nimpata. They are very effective at driving mosquitoes.

May Allah protect us from dengue mosquitoes.

We have just memorized this little prayer to get rid of all harmful, poisonous animals/insects, including dengue mosquitoes--

Say three times in the afternoon,

ُعُوذُ بِÙƒَÙ„ِÙ…َاتِ اللَّÙ‡ِ التَّامَّاتِ Ù…ِÙ†ْ Ø´َرِّ Ù…َا Ø®َÙ„َÙ‚َ
A'yu Bikalima-Tillah-Hit Ta-Mammati Min Shari Maa Khalakab.

Meaning: I seek refuge with Him from the harm of His creation in the realms of God's fulfilled writings.

Ahmad 2/21, No. 1; Nasa'i, Amalul Yomi Wall Lailah, No. 3; Ibnus Sunni, No. 1; See also Sahihut Tirmidhi 1/4; Sahih bin Majah 2/23; Tuhfatul Akhiyar Lee bin Baz, p. 2.

Alhamdulillah. What a blessing God has for us!

Allah Almighty Allah __________

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